Insert YouTube video into a Microsoft Word document


If you want to make a Word document more informative, it is good to add a YouTube video to the document.

The YouTube video can then be played directly from the Word document, without having to click on a link to open YouTube.

Adding a YouTube video to a Word document requires some extra steps than just copying a link to a YouTube video. This is how it works.

Insert YouTube video into a Microsoft Word document

To get started, open a web browser on your computer. Then go to and open the video you want to add to the Word document.

Then click the “Share” button below the YouTube video.

Share YouTube video

You now need to copy the video URL. If you want the video to start at a specific time, enable the “Start at” option and then click the “Copy” button.

You have now copied a link to the YouTube video. You need this link to add the video to the Word document.

Copy Youtube video URL

Now open Microsoft Word on your computer and open a document or new document. Then click on “Insert” in the menu.

To add a YouTube video to this document, click on “Online Videos”.

Insert online video into Microsoft Word document

Paste the previously copied YouTube video URL into the URL embed code field. Then click “Insert”.

Insert Youtube video URL

The YouTube video is now added to the Word document. You can then adjust the size and add a style.

Youtube video in Word document

Clicking the play icon opens a pop-up window in the Word document where the YouTube video can be played without leaving the Word document.

Read also
Enable background saving in Microsoft Word

Youtube video in Office Word document

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Also read: These are 5 useful tips for Microsoft Word.

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      1. Thanks, Stefan.

        A nice feature, unfortunately you now have to have an Office 365 subscription. I expect that developments will proceed quickly and that opportunities will also arise in a different way.

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