Uninstall Internet Explorer? Remove Internet Explorer from Windows 10


Learn how to uninstall Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is outdated, the new Microsoft browser Edge is its successor. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. I therefore recommend that you remove Internet Explorer from Windows 10.

Uninstalling Internet Explorer also immediately gives users the chance to free up more space and ensure that file links such as attachments in emails are opened by Edge.

There are plenty of alternatives to Internet Explorer, namely Google Chrome it discussed Microsoft Edge and it is privacy friendly Mozilla Firefox.

You can easily remove Internet Explorer in a few steps. In this instruction I will explain to you step by step how to remove Internet Explorer from Windows 10.

Uninstall Internet Explorer

To uninstall Internet Explorer, click the Windows start button. Open Settings from the start menu.

windows start button

In the Windows settings click on Apps.

windows settings

Navigate a little down to Related Settings. Click Programs and Features.

related settings windows

In the next window, click on Turn Windows features on or off at the top left.

windows features on or off

In the Windows Features window, search for Internet Explorer 11, check Internet Explorer and confirm the removal of Internet Explorer with Yes.

uninstall internet explorer

Now restart the computer to complete the removal of Internet Explorer.

I hope this helped you! Thank you for reading!

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    1. Hello, you will find that information in this article. If you have a specific question about uninstalling Internet Explorer, I would be happy to read it.
      Good luck! Greetings, Stefan

  1. I uninstalled the Internet Explorer program as instructed. After restarting the computer, the Internet Explorer folder still appears to exist under program files in Explorer. Can that folder also be deleted?

    1. Hello Cor, I just checked it for you. Indeed, the Internet Explorer folder in Program Files remains. This folder is 2MB in size and is part of Windows. I recommend that you do not delete this folder. Good luck! Greetings Stefan

        1. I am not sure, but I suspect this is because the Internet Explorer optional component is disabled. Disabled means that it can also be enabled again, so I expect that the folder will continue to exist.
          Greetings Stefan.

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