Change owner or organization name in Windows 11/10

Change owner or organization name in Windows 11/10

You can change the name of the PC owner or organization in Windows. In this way you can use the “About Windows” application to display which organization or owner the computer belongs to.

The name of the owner or setting up an organization works via the Windows registry. You can set the owner or organization yourself by adjusting some values ​​in the register.

By default, Windows sets an owner with an email address for a Microsoft account local account the username is set as owner and organization remains empty.

Change owner or organization name in Windows 11 or Windows 11

Open the Windows registry. Locate the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

Double-click “RegisteredOrganization” and set a new organization name.

Set organization name

Then double-click “RegisteredOwner” and set the new name for the owner of the PC.

Change owner name

Now close the Windows registry. Right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on “execute”. In the run window type: winver.

You will now see the new name for the organization and owner in the “About Windows” window.

Change owner or organization name in Windows 11 10

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Remove some settings that are managed by your organization.

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  1. Dear Stefan, thanks for the information. I have an old laptop that a friend would like to have. I think I took away everything, which is personal. If I only change the administrator's name, will she still have to log in with my password? I would like to get rid of the laptop completely, so that it becomes completely hers. Any advice for this? Thank you in advance and kind regards, Frytia

      1. In case I can no longer return to this page (such an illiterate person) Thank you very much in advance for this super fast response.

  2. Dear Stephen,

    First of all, best wishes for 2023!!

    I found this article in my search to change the “organization name” in Regedit. Unfortunately I can't do it...
    I first need to create a new string in the same column as “RegisteredOwner”.
    Once I have done this and entered my new organization, I do not see it appear in Winver.
    Very bizarre, any idea what this could be? Changing the “RegisteredOwner” went without any problems, so I'm looking in the right place...

    Thanks in advance!

      1. Hello, that's bizarre, I didn't receive anything, not even in my SPAM box.
        Could you please resend your response?


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