Add seconds to the clock in Windows 10

Add seconds to the clock in Windows 10

You may have noticed that there is no default setting in Windows 10 that allows you to add seconds to the clock or time.

By default, the clock on your Windows 10 PC shows the current time in hours and minutes, but not in seconds. However, if you need to keep track of time more accurately or manage your time better, adding seconds to the clock display can help.

Adding the seconds to the clock can help if you need to keep time accurately. For example, if you need to time something precisely, seconds on the clock can help you keep track of the number of seconds. Even if you use your computer to schedule appointments or meetings, seeing the seconds on your clock can help you stay on schedule and better manage your time.

For some people, watching the seconds tick by can create a sense of urgency and help them stay focused and productive. Whatever the reason, this way you can add seconds to the clock in the Windows 10 taskbar.

Add seconds to the clock in Windows 10

The following adjustment allows you to add seconds to the clock.

Right-click on the Start button. In the menu, click on “Windows PowerShell (Admin)”. Important that you choose PowerShell admin.

Run PowerShell as admin in Windows 10

Copy and paste the entire line below into the PowerShell window. Confirm with the ENTER key.

Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name ShowSecondsInSystemClock -Value 1 -Force

You will not see any output. Restart your computer.

Add seconds to the clock in Windows 10 via PowerShell

What you have done here is added an extra value in the Windows registry via PowerShell. This is a faster way to add seconds to the clock.

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Create backup in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1

After restarting your computer, you will see seconds displayed in the clock on the taskbar.

Seconds in the clock on the taskbar in Windows 10

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Show seconds on the clock in Windows 11.

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