Import bookmarks from Google Chrome into Firefox

Import bookmarks from Google Chrome into Firefox

Bookmarks are an important part of a browser. If you've spent years collecting interesting websites as bookmarks, and you change browsers, you'll want to transfer those bookmarks.

In this tip you can read how to import bookmarks from the Google Chrome browser into the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The Google Chrome browser is the most used browser in the world. This browser is mainly focused on speed and ease of use. The Firefox browser is a browser that is more focused on privacy from Mozilla. More and more users consider privacy to be important and want to switch browsers, for example to the Firefox browser.

If you have saved all your bookmarks in Google Chrome in the past, you can re-import these bookmarks into the Firefox browser in two ways. This way you won't lose any bookmarks.

The first way to transfer bookmarks to Firefox is to import the bookmarks directly into the Firefox browser. This way is recommended if you have Firefox installed on the same PC as the Google Chrome browser.

If you have installed the Firefox browser on a different PC than the Google Chrome browser, first export all bookmarks via an HTML file from the Google Chrome browser. You can then move this HTML file with bookmarks to the other PC and import it into the Firefox browser.

Import bookmarks from Google Chrome into Firefox

Import Google Chrome bookmarks into Firefox via the Firefox Import Wizard

If you have Google Chrome and Firefox installed on the same PC, you can easily import the bookmarks from Google Chrome into Firefox via the Firefox import wizard.

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Open the Firefox browser. Click on the menu icon in the top right corner. In the menu, click Bookmarks and then Manage Bookmarks. You can also use the CTRL + SHIFT + O key combination.

Manage Firefox bookmarks

Click “Import and Backup”. Then click on “Import data from another browser” in the menu.

Import data from another browser

Select “Chrome” from the list to import the bookmarks from Google Chrome. Make sure you close Google Chrome before clicking next to continue.

Import wizard to import bookmarks from Google Chrome

Make a selection of the data to be imported, such as bookmarks from the Google Chrome browser to the Firefox browser.

Items to import from the Google Chrome browser to Firefox

Importing the data to Firefox is complete. Click finish to exit.Chrome bookmark in Firefox

In the bookmarks bar you will now see the imported bookmarks from Google Chrome in Firefox.

Chrome bookmark in Firefox

Import Google Chrome bookmarks into Firefox via HTML file

If Google Chrome is going to import bookmarks into Firefox, but Firefox is installed on another PC, you will need to create an HTML file with all the bookmarks. You can then import these bookmarks into the Firefox browser via this HTML file.

Open the Google Chrome browser to export the bookmarks. Click on the menu icon in the top right corner. In the menu, click on Bookmarks and then on Bookmark Manager.

Open bookmark manager in Google Chrome

Click on the three vertical dots to organize the bookmarks.

Organize bookmarks

Then click on “Export bookmarks” in the menu.

Now we are going to save the bookmarks from Google Chrome as an HTML file so that we can later import them into the Firefox browser. Provide a recognizable file name, select a location for the HTML file and click the Save button.

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Save bookmarks from Google Chrome as an HTML file

Now open the Firefox browser. Click on the menu icon in the top right corner.

In the menu, click Bookmarks and then Manage Bookmarks. You can also use the CTRL + SHIFT + O key combination.

Manage Firefox bookmarks

Click “Import and Backup”. Then click on “Import bookmarks from HTML file” in the menu.

Import bookmarks from HTML file

Now select the HTML file containing the Google Chrome bookmarks that we exported from Google Chrome earlier. Then click Open.

Import HTML file with bookmarks from Google Chrome into Firefox

The bookmarks from Google Chrome have now been successfully imported into the Firefox browser via this HTML file. You will not receive any further notice of this.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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