Which Group Policy is active in Windows 11 or 10?

This article shows you how to check if a Group Policy is active on your computer. And if so, if a group policy is active, which group policy does it concern?

A group policy is also called a “Group Policy”. It is a policy that allows system administrators to control centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and user settings in an Active Directory environment.

Through a group policy it is therefore possible to manage settings in a work environment, a school environment or a personalized home environment. In some cases, a group policy is accidentally enforced on a computer. This regularly occurs when linking a work account to the computer. In this case, it is useful to know whether a group policy is active in order to contact the system administrator if necessary.

Which Group Policy is active in Windows 11 or 10?

Via RSoP module

You can check whether a group policy is active via the RSoP module. The “Resultant Set of Policy” (RSoP) module in Windows 11 and 10 is a diagnostic tool that helps system administrators understand which group policies (Group Policy) is applied to computers and users within an Active Directory environment.

RSoP can be used to analyze both applicable and proposed policy settings for both individual users and computers.

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Click “Execute”.
  3. In the run window, type: rsop.msc

A collection of active policies on this computer is now being created.

By clicking open the collection by policy section, you can check which policies are active. You'll see the GPO resources, such as the domain, site, or organizational unit (OU) within Active Directory where the policy settings are defined.

Click on “Action” in the menu and then on “Export list” to quickly see which policy settings are active. This only exports an active policy.

Via GPResult

If you do not have access to Windows and want to use a Command Prompt or Terminal to check group policy settings, this is also possible.

To do this, open a Command prompt as administrator. In the Command Prompt type:

gpresult.exe /scope USER /v

This command is limited to policy settings that apply to the current user.


gpresult.exe /scope COMPUTER /v

This command is limited to policy settings that apply to this computer.

You will then see the result of an active group policy via Command Prompt or Terminal.

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Categories: Windows