Hide photos, images or videos on iPhone

Hide photos, images or videos on iPhone

If you have photos, images or videos on an iPhone that you don't want others to see, you can hide the photos.

I imagine that hiding a photo, video or an image is desirable if you share the iPhone with other people. For example, it is also useful if you regularly open the photo gallery when someone is watching. The person watching will then only see the images that you want to see. Other images can be hidden without actually deleting them from your iPhone.

Hidden images are stored in the “hidden” album. You can even manage via the settings whether you want to show the hidden album in the “albums” overview. Another big advantage is that the album is “hidden” encrypted with a PIN code or with Face ID, depending on which you have set.

Hide photos, images or videos on iPhone

To hide a photo or video, open the “Photos” app on your iPhone.

Open Photos app iPhone

Then open a photo by pressing it or press “select” and select multiple photos or videos at the same time.

Then press the menu icon at the top right, recognizable by the circle with the three horizontal dots in it. Then press “hide” in the menu.

hide photo or video on iphone

You will now see the following message at the bottom of the screen.

This photo will be hidden, but will be visible in the “Hidden” album. In settings you can specify whether you want to show or hide the album “hidden”.

Press “hide photo” to move the photo or video to the hidden album.

The photo will be hidden on iPhone

The photo or image is now no longer visible in the library of photos and videos.

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Show photos hidden in album

To see the photo, open the “hidden” album. In the photos app, press “albums” at the bottom. Then navigate down until you reach the “other” section. Here you will see the album “hidden”. This album is encrypted via a PIN code or Face ID.

hidden album on iPhone

When you decrypt it, you will see here all the photos or videos you have hidden on your iPhone.

Restore photos from hidden album

By pressing the menu icon again in the top right corner you can return it to an album by pressing “add to album”.

Turn Face ID on or off to open hidden album

To disable Face ID to open the hidden album, open the settings on your iPhone. Then press “Photos” and uncheck the “Use Face ID” option.

Show or not show hidden album in album overview

To show the hidden album or not, you can press “Show hidden album” in the same settings. Depending on your choice, the hidden album will now or will not be shown in the album overview.

Disable use of Face ID when opening hidden album

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Transfer iPhone or iPad photos and videos to Windows 11

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