Bing Chat AI now available in Microsoft Edge (Windows 11)

Bing Chat AI now available in Microsoft Edge (Windows 11)

In the Microsoft Edge browser version 111.0.1661.41 (Official Build) you can now use Bing Chat AI if you are logged in.

If you are not registered to use Bing chat AI, you can log out register on a waiting list. In Windows 11 you must log in with the same Microsoft account that you used to log in to the waiting list.

If you have updated Microsoft Edge with the latest version, you will see a Bing Chat AI icon in the top right corner. Clicking on this will open a sidebar that allows you to interact with Bing Chat AI.

You will see three different tabs. The first is “Chat”.

To chat

This is a tab that allows you to interact with the Bing chatbot. This AI bot starts in English, but you can ask this bot anything, including in Dutch. After a question, an answer is generated and is immediately visible in the chat window in the Edge browser.

Bing Chat AI in Microsoft Edge chat

draw up

The second tab offers the “Compose” option. This allows you to compose different texts. For example, you can have a paragraph written by Bing AI or an email, blog post or an idea.

You can first enter the subject and then select a tone as an answer. For example, you can have an enthusiastic email written about a specific topic or a professional blog article (not recommended for websites, create your own content).

Finally, you can select whether it is a short, medium or long answer. Then click on “Generate draft” and the answer will be generated by the Bing chat AI bot. You can make beautiful things with it, it is very useful for all kinds of subjects.

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Change usage times based on activity in Windows 10

Compose feature in Bing Chat AI Microsoft Edge browser


Finally, there is the “Insights” tab. This is a feature that displays related content based on the website you are currently visiting. When you visit PC tips, you will see my articles, and related articles from other websites. It is not so much AI based, but more interest or content related. Useful if you are looking for more information on a specific subject.

Bing chat AI insights

Bing AI, behind Microsoft's search engine Bing, is trying to compete with Google AI by improving the quality and relevance of its search results and by offering innovative features and services that stand out from Google's future offerings.

Bing AI focuses on using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand user intent and deliver more personalized search results. The integration of Bing AI into Microsoft Edge is another step towards getting ahead of the competition. Whether it will work, we will see it in the future.

If you want to disable the Bing AI chat feature, you can do so Remove Bing Chat AI icon from Microsoft Edge browser.

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

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