Change usage times based on activity in Windows 10

Change usage times based on activity in Windows 10

Usage times help Windows 10 determine when you are using the PC. The computer will not be restarted within the usage times.

Updates are downloaded, but the request to complete the updates by restarting is made outside of operating hours.

By default, Windows 10 applies a usage time. This is often from 10 a.m. early in the morning to 00 p.m. early in the evening. To set usage times more precisely, you can let Windows 18 set usage times based on activity.

As the option indicates, Windows 10 will then apply the usage times to the user's activity. This way Windows can adapt and Windows Update will send you a restart request less often when you use the computer.

If you no longer want to receive restart requests at all, you can Disable Windows update notifications completely.

Change usage times based on activity in Windows 10

Click on the Start button. Then click Settings on the left.

Open Settings in Windows 10

In the Settings, click on “Update & security”.

Update and security

First click on “Windows Update” in the left menu and then on “Change operating times” in the right window.

How to change usage times in Windows 10

Change the “Automatically adjust usage times for this device based on activity” option to “On”.

Set active hours to let us know when you normally use this device. The device will not restart automatically during this period.

Automatically adjust usage times for this device based on activity

The usage times only apply to installing updates. By automatically setting the usage times, you have no control over when the updates are downloaded.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Read also
Search in Outlook not working? Try this!

Also read: Set or change usage times in Windows 11.

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