Remove Meet Now from Windows 10


To conduct video conferences, Microsoft introduced “Meeting Now”, also known as “Meet Now” in October 2020 in the 20H2 component update. “Meeting now” is part of Skype and recently also part of Windows 10.

Microsoft has added the “Meet Now” icon to the Windows 10 taskbar. You'll see this icon in the notification area, to the left of the time and date.

By adding “Meet Now” as an icon, Microsoft has attempted to make it easier for Windows 10 operating system users to create meetings or join online meetings.

now disable meetings in windows 10

However, more and more people are apparently annoyed by this new “meet now” addition in Windows 10.

Delete meet now

To hide “Meet Now” from all Windows 10 users, follow the steps below. This requires an adjustment in the Windows registry. It is advisable to do one first Create a Windows restore point.

Right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on Run. In the run window type: regedit.exe


In the registry editor. Open the following folder structure on the left:


meet now delete windows 10

Right-click in the right part of the registry editor and click New and then “DWORD (32-bit) Value”.

new dword value

Name this value: HideSCAMeetNow and set the value to 1.

HideSCAMeetNow value to disable meeting now in windows 10

Now close the registry editor and restart the computer. The system tray shortcut to “Meet Now” is hidden.

If you want to display “meet now” in the taskbar again, change the HideSCAMeetNow value to 0.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading.

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  1. The “meet now” option is NOT removed ANYWHERE, all methods are just show the icon or not, from “simple” to ultra complex. No executable or script is deleted, no link is broken, only the display of the icon is handled. (just like in 99% of the tips elsewhere on the internet)

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