Remove Google account from Chrome (PC, iPhone and Android)

Remove Google account from Chrome

If you add a Google account to Google Chrome, you will have saved data on multiple devices. This way you can also find the browser data that you have created on a computer on a mobile phone and vice versa.

Syncing Chrome data offers many benefits. However, for some users, there is a reason to disconnect Google account in Google Chrome. If you want to remove Google account from Chrome for PC, mobile or tablet? Then you can read how it works in this article.

Remove Google account from Chrome

Remove Google account from Chrome for PC

To remove a Google Account from Chrome on desktop, launch the browser and click the "User Profile" icon in the top right corner. If you added a photo to the Google account, it will appear. Otherwise it would be the initials of your name. If you don't find either, it means there is no Google account associated with the Chrome browser.

Then click on the profile icon to the right of “Other profiles”.

Manage Chrome profile

Then click on the 3 vertical dots in the user profile you wish to delete.

Delete Chrome user profile

Then click delete to delete the linked Google account in Google Chrome.

A confirmation window will appear listing the data that will be deleted from your device if you delete the profile. Click Delete at the bottom right of the confirmation window to confirm the deletion of the profile and associated Google Account.

Remove Google account from Chrome for mobile phone and tablets

Open the settings in Google Chrome on your device. You can do this by surfing to via the Chrome browser. Click on the profile you want to delete at the top right and click on manage accounts. Then click Manage accounts on this device.

Read also
Google Chrome no longer opens? Try these tips!

Click on the desired Google account and click Remove account from this device.

Delete account from this device

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  1. Best IT specialist.
    Just a question: If I delete the Google account from my PC, I don't want the account itself to be deleted, so that the data for other devices still exists and that I can reactivate the account on my PC later if necessary. How to do that so that the data, bookmarks, reading list, passwords, so are not lost.
    Thank you very much in advance for the answer,
    kind regards, Niek

    1. Hello, your Google account will not be deleted. The Google account profile in the Google Chrome browser will be deleted. This means that the browser data such as bookmarks, passwords, etc. be removed from the Chrome browser. This data is linked to synchronization. Good luck!

      1. Thank you Stefan.
        I have two laptops, both with access to Google account 'XX' via Chrome. I want to delete the account 'XX' on 1 laptop, but it must remain accessible on the 2nd laptop.
        How to do that?
        Thank you in advance, greetings, Niek

        1. Hello, through the information in this article. Remove the Google account profile from Chrome on one laptop. The account and data will then remain available on the second laptop. Good luck!

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