Look up WiFi password on an iPhone

Look up WiFi password on an iPhone

If you have forgotten the WiFi password, but have saved it on your iPhone because you have connected to it once, you can look up the WiFi password via your iPhone.

Looking up the WiFi password on an iPhone is particularly useful for times when you want to share the password with friends or family, or when you want to connect another device without having to retrieve the password again. You do not need any additional apps for this, you can find the password in the saved WiFi settings on an iPhone. This is how it works.

Look up WiFi password on an iPhone

To get started, open Settings on an iPhone. Then press WiFi. Next to the WiFi network to which your iPhone is connected, press the ball with the i in it. This way you open more settings about the currently connected WiFi network.

open wifi settings

You will now see the hidden WiFi password as asterisks, by pressing it you can display the WiFi password. So press the hidden asterisks.

show password iphone

When you have pressed the WiFi password, you will be asked to enter your PIN code or if Face ID is enabled, Face ID will open. After this, the text “copy” will appear above the password to copy the password to the clipboard. You will now see the WiFi password.

Look up WiFi password on an iPhone

By holding another iPhone next to the iPhone with the displayed password at this time, you can quickly share the password. I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read this useful tip: Set fake GPS location for apps on an iPhone.

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