Start page numbering from specific page in Microsoft Word

Start page numbering from specific page in Microsoft Word

When you add page numbering in Microsoft Word, the page number starts from the first page in your document.

Suppose your first page is a cover, and the second page is a table of contents, then the page numbering from the first page is not what you are looking for.

It is possible in Word to start page numbering from a specific page other than the first.

Start page numbering from specific page in Microsoft Word

Suppose you want to start page numbering in your document on page three. Then place the mouse at the end of the text on the second page.

end of page mouse

Then click on “Formats” in the menu and then on “End Marks”. In the “Section Breaks” click on “Next Page”.

end marks next page in word

Now click on the footer or header in the third page (in this example) where you want to add the page numbers.

The “Header and Footer” settings will open. Then click the “Link to Previous” button to disable the use of the same header and footer for each page.

Link to previous

Now place the mouse in one of the headers or footers on the page where you want to start page numbering. Then click on “Page number” in the menu, select the desired location and the desired appearance of the page numbering.

Insert page number

Once you have added the page numbering, you will see that the page number is the number of the actual page. We don't want this, so we have to format the page numbering.

In the menu, click on “Page number” and then on “Format page numbers”.

Formatting page numbers

Now click on the “Start at” option and insert the page number where the count should start. In most cases this is “1”. Click OK.

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Turn off sound notifications in Outlook

Page number start at

You will now see on the left (in this example) that “Page 3” has the page number “1”. The page numbering has now been adjusted so that the page number count started on the third page.

Page numbers start on a different page than the first

I hope this helped you. Also read these 5 useful tips for Microsoft Word. Thank you for reading!

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  1. hi, I followed these steps. Now the page numbering starts on page 6 which is what I wanted. the only problem now is that it doesn't number consecutively. how can I solve this?

    1. Hello, open your Microsoft Word document and navigate to page 6. Add a section break from the 'Layout' or 'Page Layout' tab by selecting 'Break Marks' and choosing 'Next Page'. Then go to the 'Insert' tab, click 'Page Number' and choose your position and style. In 'Format Page Numbers', set the 'Start at' option to '6'. Make sure the numbering continues by going to the header or footer on page 6 and turning off Link to Previous in the Design tab under Header and Footer Tools. Finally, check the numbering in the rest of your document and adjust if necessary by turning off "Link to Previous" in each section. Save your document and check whether the numbering is correct. Good luck!

  2. Hallo,

    thanks for this explanation, i have one problem with this application. It creates a new tab when I click 'next page' at the end markers. So I can't get rid of this magazine anymore. It creates the page numbering but I can't get rid of the tab. So there is a blank sheet between the Table of Contents and where my text begins. Would you have a solution for this? I tried again many times.

    Thanks in advance!



    1. Hello, can't you press backspace a few times so that the empty intermediate page is removed? This is about content, it's hard to say anything about this without editing the document. Unfortunately I am limited in my response 🙁 please

          1. Thank you for the quick response! I finally succeeded. I probably did something wrong the previous times.


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