Change the Windows 11 taskbar to Windows XP style

Change the Windows 11 taskbar to Windows XP style

If you like to experiment with the look of your computer and are open to making some changes, then you might be interested in changing the style of the taskbar.

For those who are nostalgic for previous versions of Windows, or simply prefer a more classic look, Windows 11 offers the option to customize the taskbar in the style of Windows XP.

This can be a fun and fresh way to give your current operating system a retro touch, while still enjoying the modern features of Windows 11.

Change the Windows 11 taskbar to Windows XP style

To begin download WindHawk to your computer. After downloading, install the app. Once you have installed the app, click the “Browse for mods” button to search for modifications for Windows 11.

Windhawk - browse for mods

Search for:

Windows 11 Taskbar Styler

Click on “Details” to open.

Windows 11 taskbar styler in Windhawk

To install Windows 11 taskbar styler, click the “Install” button.

Install Windows 11 taskbar styler

Click “Accept risk and install” to install this taskbar modification.

accept risk and install

Once you have installed the modification, you can choose from two fixed themes to change the taskbar style. This is the “Windows XP” and the “Bubbles” style. You will find both in the “Settings”.


Selecting a style for the taskbar will immediately apply the style. Select the desired style in “Theme”.

  • Windows XP.
  • bubbles.

Confirm by clicking “Save settings”.

Change the Windows 11 taskbar to Windows XP style

The chosen theme will be applied directly to the taskbar. If you have chosen “WinXP” you will see the old retro theme applied to the taskbar.

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WinXP theme for the taskbar in Windows 11

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If you have chosen “Bubbles” you will see this theme, here is an example:

Bubbles theme windhawk

Select theme “None” to apply the default Windows 11 theme to the taskbar.

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Read also
14 tips to customize the taskbar in Windows 11
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