Connect to Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) in Windows 11

Connect to Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) in Windows 11

A Bluetooth Personal Network (BTPAN) provides an alternative method of sharing Internet connectivity wirelessly between devices. This feature allows you to connect your computer to a PC or phone hotspot via Bluetooth, instead of relying on Wi-Fi. This is particularly useful in situations where Wi-Fi is not accessible or desired.

To use BTPAN, you need a Bluetooth adapter on your computer. In addition, the device you want to connect to must have Bluetooth functionality and the ability to use a create a hotspot. This could, for example, be a smartphone or another computer with hotspot capabilities.

There are several reasons why someone would use a Bluetooth Personal Network on their Windows device. A primary reason is the ability to connect to the Internet when Wi-Fi networks are not available. This is especially useful in remote areas or when traveling to locations without accessible Wi-Fi connections. BTPAN offers a reliable and wireless alternative to stay connected.

In addition, BTPAN offers increased security compared to using public Wi-Fi networks. By creating a direct connection between devices, without relying on a router or internet provider, BTPAN eliminates the potential risks associated with unsecured Wi-Fi networks. This makes it a preferred option for those who prioritize privacy and data protection.

Another advantage of BTPAN is the ability to share internet connections with other devices. Suppose you have a computer with a reliable internet connection, you can use BTPAN to share that connection with other Bluetooth enabled devices. This is especially useful when multiple devices are using it at the same time internet connected must be.

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Connect to Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) in Windows 11

To start, make sure that Bluetooth is enabled in Windows and that both devices are connected. On the device such as an iPhone, iPad or Android ensure that the mobile hotspot is enabled.

Open the settings. In the settings, click on “Bluetooth and devices”. Then click “Devices” to display all connected devices.

In the “Other devices” section you will now see a Bluetooth device that is connected. To join the personal network (PAN), click on the three horizontal dots to the right of the device. Click on “Join Personal Area Network (PAN)” in the menu.

Connect to PAN (Personal Area Network) in Windows 11

Confirm again by clicking “Connect”.

Connect Bluetooth PAN

You are now successfully connected via a BTPAN (Bluetooth PAN) connection. This is the hotspot you created on your mobile device.

Connection has been made

Click on the three horizontal dots again and click on “Disconnect PAN” to disconnect the Bluetooth connection from the mobile hotspot.

Disconnect PAN connection

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