Add “Open Lid Action” in Power Plan for Windows 11/10

Add "Open Lid Action" in Power Plan for Windows 11/10

In Windows 11 or Windows 10 you can create a energy plan adjust as desired. A power plan determines how your computer handles various energy-related settings.

One of these settings is an action that takes place when you enter the opens the lid or screen of a laptop. This setting is called “Lid Open Action”.

Some people miss this option in a specific energy plan. That hinders the computer and the user from determining what to do when opening a laptop screen.

This article shows you how to add the “Open Lid Action” component to the active power plan in Windows 11 or Windows 10.

Add “Open Lid Action” in Power Plan for Windows 11/10

To get started, open the Command Prompt as Administrator. Click on the magnifying glass in the taskbar.

In the search window type: cmd.exe. Then right-click on the Command Prompt result and choose “Run as administrator”.

Run Command Prompt as administrator

In the Command Prompt type the following command followed by an ENTER key.

REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347\99ff10e7-23b1-4c07-a9d1-5c3206d741b4 /v Attributes /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

Add the open lid action to the power plan in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Now open the Power Plan and you will see that the following action has been added “On/off buttons and lid” with sub settings “Open lid action”.

You can change the setting to “Turn on display” or “Take no action”.

Add open lid action

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. How cool that I can also ask my question here!
    The above article talks about opening the lid and then Windows is activated.
    However, my question is the opposite. When I open my new laptop by opening the lid, Windows automatically starts running. I'd rather decide that myself.
    How can I best arrange this?
    Thank you in advance for your response, and have a nice day!

    1. Hello, if I understand correctly the laptop turns on when you open the lid. This is a setting that should be disabled in the UEFI previously BIOS.
      You open the BIOS. You can read how this works here:

      Use the on-screen instructions to navigate the menus, for example. You are looking for a section related to 'Power Management', 'Main' or something similar. This depends on the type of laptop.
      Within this menu, look for an option similar to 'Power On When Lid Opened', 'Lid Open Power On', 'Wake on Lid Open' or something similar. You can disable this option.


      1. Many thanks, I'll figure this out.
        So it appears to work via the BIOS after all….
        Typical joke in more Lenovos laptops, I already read.

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