Create a guest account in Windows 11/10? This is how!

Create a guest account in Windows 11 10

Most versions of Windows in the past allowed the creation of “guest accounts”. These guest accounts allowed the person using them to open files and apps, but could not change the computer's settings or preferences.

Unlike its predecessors, Windows 11 or Windows 10 do not allow you to simply create a guest account via the settings. You can still add accounts for local users, but those local accounts won't stop guests from changing your computer's settings.

However, there is a way around this: you can use the Command Prompt to manually create a guest account in Windows 11 or Windows 10.

Using the Command Prompt, you can manipulate Windows code to create a new account, remove it from the Users list, and then add it back to the Guests list, essentially creating a guest account.

Create a guest account in Windows 11 or Windows 10

As mentioned in the intro text, Windows 11 or Windows 10 does not let you create a guest account through the settings. However, there is a way to still create a guest account. It is important that you cannot use the name “Guest”, you must use a different username for the guest account.

Right-click on the Start button. Click “Windows Terminal (Admin)” in the menu. Windows 10 users open a Command Prompt as administrator.

In the Windows Terminal or Command Prompt window, type the following commands, each followed by ENTER.

You start by creating the “guest account”. This is the user name which I use in this example. You can change “Guest Account” to any username you want except “Guest” or “Guest”.

net user Gast-account /add /active:yes

Then type the command below to create a guest account without a password. You will be asked twice for a password, press the ENTER key without entering anything to create a guest account without a password.

net user Gast-account *

Then run the command below to remove the “Guest account” from the Users group in Windows 11.

net localgroup Gebruikers Gast-account /delete

Now we will add the “Guest account” back to the “Guests” group in Windows 11.

net localgroup Gasten Gast-account /add

Below you can see the result.

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Remove Bing from Internet Explorer (Restore Home)

Create a guest account in Windows 11

Now restart the computer and at the login screen you will now see a “Guest account”, this is the guest account we have just created.

Add guest account in Windows

A guest account is a limited account, it cannot install anything or make any changes to Windows 11 or Windows 10 through the settings.

Also read: Add child account in Windows.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. How can I increase the validity time for a guest user?
    I am a Windows 11 Home user.
    Thank you in advance for your response to this.
    Kind regards, Rob Esvelt

    1. Hello, a guest account never expires. This is standard. However, if there is an account that is expiring, right-click on the start button. In the menu click on Run. In the run window type: compmgmt.msc

      Then click on Local users and groups on the left, then on users. Double-click on the user account and enable the “Password never expires” option.
      Good luck! Greetings, Stefan

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