Identifying Color in Windows with Color Picker (PowerToys)

Identifying Color in Windows with Color Picker (PowerToys)

If you want to quickly and easily identify a color in Windows, you can do so with the Color Picker in PowerToys. PowerToys is an application developed by Microsoft to add useful functionality to Windows.

In this case also a Color Picker. Color Picker an application to quickly identify a color by moving the mouse over a color in Windows. The color is shown in a small example with corresponding color code in HEX, RGB and HSL.

Identify color in Windows with Color Picker

To start with, you should PowerToys to download. Click on the latest version available for Windows and install PowerToys.

download power toys

The installation process is self-explanatory.

Once PowerToys is installed, start the PowerToys application. In the Windows search bar type: PowerToys and click on PowerToys (Preview).

power toys start windows 10

Now that you have started PowerToys, PowerToys will be in the Windows system tray. For me, PowerToys starts up minimized, which is why I indicate that it is in the system tray.

Powertoys in system tray

You don't need to open anything else. PowerToys is active in the system tray and has been added to the Windows context menu.

To use the Color Picker activate and too deactivate press the following key combination on your keyboard: WINDOWS KEY + SHIFT + C

keyboard dutch

A bar will then appear next to the mouse point with the color and the corresponding HEX color code.

color picker windows power toys

If you want more information such as the RGB color code or the HSL color code, click once with the left mouse button. A new window will then appear with more information about the relevant color code.

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color code color picker windows 10

If you click in the middle of the window in the blue bar in this example. Then you can change the color code slightly. For example, you can make the selected color slightly darker or lighter.

color picker windows

Once you have clicked on the color, the selected color will appear via the Color Picker in the left menu. If you want to add a new color, click the dropper icon in the top left corner of the color selection tool.

To close the Color picker, click on the X icon in the top right corner.

color picker exit windows

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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