Open a folder as a new window in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Open a folder as a new window in Windows 11 or Windows 10

A folder is created via the Windows Explorer opens in the same window by default. This prevents Windows Explorer from opening multiple new windows.

If you work a lot with different windows, you can open a folder in a new window. There are two ways to open a new window when opening a folder. The first way is via the Ctrl key. If you hold down the Ctrl key and then double-click on a folder, this folder will be opened via the Windows Explorer opens in a new window.

Open folder in a new window using the CTRL key

If you want to set up Windows 11 or Windows 10 so that each folder is saved as a new window is opened, you can set this in the following way.

Open a folder as a new window in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Open Windows Explorer. On a Windows 11 PC, click on the “…” and then on “Options”. On a Windows 10 PC, first click on “View” and then on “Options”.

Then click on the “General” tab and select the option “Open each folder in its own window”. Then click Apply and then OK.

If you want to open every folder in the same window, select the option “Open every folder in the same window”.

open each folder in a new window

Every time you open a folder via Windows Explorer, its own window opens with the folder contents.

Also read: Restore Windows Explorer folder view.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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