Suddenly no color in Windows? Black and white? Try this!

Suddenly no color in Windows? Black and white? Try this!

Some people report an unusual problem where the screen suddenly turns black and white. This just happens without adjusting display settings, video card drivers or installing third-party software.

For no reason, the screen in Windows 11 or Windows 10 suddenly changes to black and white. Nothing happens without a reason.

Windows black and white colors

This is a key combination that is accidentally pressed and sets the screen to monotone colors.

In Windows 11 or Windows 10, “accessibility” features are available. These functions can support users with a variety of limitations. There is also an accessibility feature, which (if enabled) can change the colors in Windows from normal color to black and white and back with a key combination.

This is the Windows + CTRL + C key combination. If you have enabled the next feature below and you press this key combination, you will see that all colors in Windows disappear.

Suddenly no color in Windows? Black and white? Try this!

To get started, first press the key combination Windows key + CTRL + C. If the colors come back and black and white disappears, this is solved.

Now to prevent it from happening again, right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on Settings. On the left, click on accessibility and then on color filters.

Color filters in Windows 11

Now change the “Color Filter Hotkey” function to “Off”.

Disable keyboard shortcut for color filters

The keyboard shortcut for color filters is what can be done by using the key combination Windows key + CTRL + C. colors in Windows 11 or Windows 10 disappear.

I suspect that because it's a lot like CTRL+C, people sometimes mis-press and accidentally press this color filters shortcut key combination.

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I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. Hi Stefan, our computer had gone from color to black and white and we couldn't get it right anymore, but thanks to your tip it was resolved quickly, great! Thank you very much!
    Yours faithfully,
    Luuk and Ineke

  2. When formatting in publisher and word, not all colors such as background are displayed. I have already reset everything, but nothing helps. I don't understand any of this. Outlook also very black and white, etc. Can't do anything with it anymore.

    1. Hello, maybe this solution will help?

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