Cached credentials have expired error message in Office

Cached credentials have expired error message in Office

In Microsoft Office you may encounter an error message telling you that your cached credentials have expired.

This cache error message means that your cached credentials have expired and you need to log in again. Normally you should log in and the problem will be resolved. However, it often happens that this does not work.

This problem stems from incorrectly stored credentials in credential management.

Credential manager or “Credential manager” helps manage credentials, such as usernames, passwords, and other authentication information, for various applications and services. It is a secure repository for these credentials, making it easier for you to access your accounts without having to remember all your login details.

Cached credentials have expired error message in Office

To resolve the expired credentials cache issue, delete the credentials in credential manager. After this, open again Office and log in again. The credentials will be recreated and the expired credentials cached error message will be gone.

Right-click on the Start button. Click “run” in the menu. In the run window type:

control /name Microsoft.CredentialManager

control name Microsoft.CredentialManager

Click on “Windows Credentials”. In the list of references find the Office login reference in question. Click on it to open.

Select reference in reference management

Then click “delete” to delete the reference. Please note: the image below is an example.

Remove reference from Reference Manager

If you haven't already done so, close Office. Restart Office and log in again using the requested login details. The “Cached credentials have expired” error message is now gone.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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