Hide search button in the taskbar on a Windows 11 PC

Hide search button in the taskbar on a Windows 11 PC

To make working with Windows 11 easier and above all faster, Microsoft has added a search button on the taskbar. You can recognize the search button by the magnifying glass icon.

In Windows 10, it was a search box that took up part of the taskbar in Windows 10. To emphasize the minimalist appearance that Windows 11 has in mind, searching in Windows 11 has been replaced by a magnifying glass.

Windows 11 search button in the taskbar

If you rarely use search in Windows 11, you may want to hide the search button.

You can customize the taskbar to your liking in Windows 11, including disabling the search button. Disabling the search button does not disable the search function in Windows 11, so you only hide the icon.

Hide search button in the taskbar on a Windows 11 PC

To hide the search button, right-click on the taskbar. In the menu, click on taskbar settings.

Open taskbar settings in Windows 11

In the taskbar items settings, change the “Search” setting to “Off” to hide the search button on the taskbar.

Hide search in the Windows 11 taskbar

Below you can see the result.

Hide search button in Windows 11 taskbar

I hope this helped you. Also read customize taskbar in windows 11.

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