Enable live captions in Google Chrome

Enable live captions in Google Chrome

Google Chrome has a new feature that can display live subtitles on media that normally doesn't support subtitles. Live captioning uses machine learning to spontaneously create captions for videos or audio where none existed before, making the web much more accessible to anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing.

Live captioning works on social and video sites, podcasts and radio content, personal video libraries (such as Google Photos), built-in video players in websites, and most web-based video or audio chat services such as Youtube and Twitch, among others.

Enable live captions in Google Chrome

A disadvantage for us Dutch is that the subtitles that are generated only work on English media and only show English live subtitles.

Enable live captions in Google Chrome

To enable the subtitles function in Chrome, an internet connection is required. A voice file must first be downloaded. After downloading this file you can enable the live subtitles.

Open the Google Chrome browser. Click on the Chrome menu button at the top right. In the Chrome menu, click Settings.

Google Chrome settings

Click on Privacy and security in the menu on the left. Navigate all the way down until you reach Advanced. Click on it to open the advanced Chrome settings.

In the Accessibility chapter, enable the option: Live subtitles. Wait for the voice file to download.

Live Caption automatically creates subtitles for audio and video in English. The audio and subtitles are never forwarded from your device.

Enable live captions in Google Chrome

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