CleanMyPhone: Delete unnecessary photos on iPhone or iPad


CleanMyPhone is an innovative app that builds on the technology and experience of Gemini Photos, a gallery cleaning tool launched in 2018. Developed by MacPaw, CleanMyPhone is a new way to manage storage on iPhone and iPad.

With advanced AI technology and deep insight into photo storage management, it provides users with a more comprehensive cleanup solution.

CleanMyPhone consists of three main modules: Declutter, Organize and Network. These are designed to help users clean up their devices more effectively, sort and polish their photo libraries, and optimize online activities by testing network speeds.

Declutter to free up space

The Cleanup module scans the entire camera roll for screenshots, duplicates, blurry images, screenshots, TikTok videos and so on, freeing up space for the photos that really matter. In other words, you don't have to look at every photo to free up valuable storage space.

Declutter to free up space

Order to organize efficiently

With AI technology, CleanMyPhone goes further and views photos in detail to group them into folders with a common theme. The app looks at countless photos of your cat or your favorite vacation destinations and places them all together under “Pets” or “Travel.” Even better, it groups similar photos and highlights the best ones so users can quickly identify duplicate photos.

Order to organize efficiently

Network for testing network performance

The app also has a network test feature that allows users to test their internet connection to ensure it is working optimally for online activities. It's a useful tool for anyone who wants to know if there are any delays in the way they're using their network.

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Network for testing network performance

Rostislav Bogdanov – Product Manager of CleanMyPhone at MacPaw says: “CleanMyPhone goes beyond cleaning; we created it to improve the way people manage and organize storage on their iOS and iPadOS devices.”

With these features, CleanMyPhone seems like an essential app for anyone looking for an effective storage management tool. Especially for users who want to organize their photo collections and optimize their online experience.

Read more about CleanMyPhone. Thank you for reading!

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