Check if your online data has been leaked with Google One

Check if your online data has been leaked with Google One

If you are not a member, you can use Google One to check whether your online data has been leaked on the dark web. In this article I will explain to you how this works.

When you use the internet, you share your online data with various online services. Your data can therefore be shared on the internet by criminals, this mainly happens during attacks on companies where data is leaked. Google has a service available via Google One that makes it possible for everyone to check a single Google account email address for leaked online data such as your username and/or password.

If leaked information is found, Google One will provide not only a notification of the outcome, but also advice and guidance on how to improve your online security. This could include changing compromised passwords or strengthening your account security with two-factor authentication.

Read also
Set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for YouTube

Check if your online data has been leaked with Google One

There are two ways through Google One to check if your online data has been leaked. This can be done via a computer or via a mobile phone with a Google app, both of which I explain in this article.

Via computer

If you have installed Google Chrome and are logged in with your Google account, click on the Google account icon at the top right. Then click on “Manage your Google account” in the menu.

Manage Google account

If you are not logged in, go to: Click on “Security” in the left menu and navigate down until you reach “Check if your email address is on the dark web”.

To run a scan with Google One, press “Run Scan with Google One”.

Run scan with Google One

Click “Run Scan” at the bottom right to start the scan for data that may have been leaked online and is available to criminals on the dark web.

Run a scan with Google One for leaked data on the dark web

If data has been leaked on the dark web, you will see an overview of this data. This overview contains information about the data captured in a specific attack, which company is involved, and when the attack occurred.

You will also immediately see an overview of which data has been leaked on the dark web. For example, this could only be the e-mail address, but also the password of your e-mail address. In the event of a password leak, you will only see the first three characters.

Leaked online data on the dark web

Stay safer with more than an occasional scan of one email address. Immediately Google One membership you will be notified if your passwords, address and other personal information have been found on the dark web.

Via a mobile phone or tablet

If you want to check whether your Google account information has been posted online on the dark web, you will need to install the Gmail app on your phone or tablet. This app provides access to your Google account.

Press the profile icon at the top right to open your Google account settings. Press “Manage your Google Account”.

manage google account

Press the “Security” tab and navigate down until you reach “Check if your email address is on the dark web”. Then press the link “Run scan with Google One”.

Run scan with Google One on phone or tablet

Press “Run Scan” to start the scan for leaked online data on the dark web.

Run scan

If data has been leaked to the dark web, you will see an overview of which data is involved. This could be the email address of your Google account, but also a password you used for this. Click on “View all results” to view the leaked online data.

Overview of data breaches

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Also read these tips. Here's another way to check if your online data has been leaked: How do I stay safe on the internet + 8 answers and tips.

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