Show saved password in Firefox

show password in firefox

Firefox can save passwords for you in the browser. If you have saved the password in the Firefox browser, you no longer have to enter the password when logging in to websites.

Firefox stores a password in the browser settings. Firefox encrypts your passwords locally in your user profile folder using a logins.json file.

Firefox uses simple cryptography to encrypt your passwords. Mozilla doesn't have the ability to see passwords, but Firefox does decrypt the password locally so it can enter it in form fields.

It is also possible to view the password in the Firefox browser. This is how it works.

Show saved password in Firefox

Open the Firefox browser. Click on it menu in the top right corner. click on logins and passwords in the Firefox menu.

firefox login and passwords

On the left in the menu you will see the specific website to which the user account and password belong. Here, search for the website whose password you want to display.

Once you have opened the registration information. Click on the eye icon next to the password. You will then see the password in plain text instead of the hidden password.

show password in firefox

This is how to look up saved password in Firefox by website.

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