Need a strong password? 6 tips for a strong password

Strong password needed 6 ways for a strong password

We live in a time where computers are part of our daily lives. We want to protect all our data and information stored on a computer, a website, an app, etc. from unwanted access.

A password is a way to protect data. However, there are disadvantages to a password. A password is fairly easy to crack with some extra information. There are countless apps that can retrieve a password in minutes. To retrieve a password, a technique called 'brute-force' is used.

In cryptography, a brute-force attack means that an attacker submits many passwords or phrases in the hope of eventually guessing a combination correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and phrases until the correct one is found.

A strong password is therefore necessary to protect your data. In this article you will find 6 tools to check whether the password you are using is strong enough to prevent a 'brute-force' attack from succeeding.

6 ways to create a strong password

Kaspersky Password Check

The first tip to check the strength of a current or new password is to use the Kaspersky Password Check.

This Kaspersky website offers you the opportunity to check how strong the password you enter is. In addition, Kaspersky Password Check will also check whether the password has been compromised in previous attacks. If so, use a different password immediately.

Kaspersky Password check

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UIC EDU Password Meter

The University of Illinois offers you an online tool to quickly generate a password. The extensive information allows you to quickly see whether your password meets certain complex requirements.

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Password Meter

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GoSafeOnline Password Checker

If you create a password, you want to create a password that is as complex as possible because it is not easy to crack. On the website: GoSafeOnline Password Checker you can check how long it would take cybercriminals to crack your password. This is of course an estimate, but it corresponds to reality.

GoSafeOnline Password Checker

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How Secure is my password

An alternative way to check how long it would take a computer to crack a password can be found at This tool makes fun of the time it would take for a computer to crack the entered password.

How secure is my password tool

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My1Login password test

Enter a password and check whether the password is complex enough. In addition, the My1Login password test checks how long it would take for a computer to crack the password.

My1Login Password checker

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LastPass password generator

LastPass is a password manager. However, LastPass also offers an online password generator to help people create a complex password. In the LastPassword password generator you will find several tools to create a complex password that you can use to protect your data.

LastPass password generator

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