Disable “App Diagnostics” in Windows 11

If you are using Windows 11, you should know that “App Diagnostics” is a feature in the Windows operating system that collects information from the other applications running on your system.

Microsoft's intention behind this information is to improve the overall stability of those apps. However, most of us will not be happy with this feature of Windows 11 and see it as a privacy issue. Most Windows users want to disable “App Diagnostics” in Windows 11.

“App Diagnostics” stores the following data: Name of the app, username the app uses, the memory the app uses, and other processes controlled by the app.

If you want to disable “App Diagnostics” in Windows 11, read this article to learn how.

Disable app diagnostics in Windows 11

Right-click on the start button. Click on Settings in the menu. Click on Privacy & security in the menu on the left. Click on “App Diagnostics” in the right column.

Disable the following features: Diagnostic access for apps and Allow apps to access diagnostic data about your other apps.

After disabling diagnostic data from apps, you still need to delete the diagnostic data. Return to the Privacy & security settings.

Then click on Diagnostics and feedback. Click on Delete diagnostic data and then click on the delete button.

You have now disabled diagnostic app data and deleted the data.

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I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Categories: Windows