Disable InPrivate feature in the Microsoft Edge browser

Disable InPrivate feature in the Microsoft Edge browser

The “InPrivate” function is available in the Microsoft Edge browser. This feature opens a new private window that prevents browser history, cookies and temporary files from being stored on your computer.

If for some reason you do not want users to be able to use the InPrivate feature, i.e. not be able to open a private window in the Microsoft Edge browser, you can disable this feature.

Disabling InPrivate therefore ensures that no one can use this feature in the Microsoft Edge browser. Other browsers still support a private window if you have them installed.

To disable InPrivate, an adjustment must be made in the Windows registry. This is how it works.

Disable InPrivate feature in the Microsoft Edge browser

To begin open the Windows registry. Then go to the key:


Check you see another folder called “Edge”. If you see this, continue. If not, right-click on the “Microsoft” folder. Then click on “New” and then on “Key”. Name this key “Edge”.

Now open the “Edge” folder. Right-click on the “Edge” folder and click “New” and then “DWORD value 32-bit”. Name this value “InPrivateModeAvailability“. Double-click the value and set the value data to “1".


Close the Windows registry and restart the Microsoft Edge browser. You will now see that “New InPrivate Window” is highlighted in gray. This means that the function is blocked.

New InPrivate window blocked

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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