Reset network settings in Windows 10


You can easily reset the network settings in Windows 10. Resetting the network settings is useful, for example, in case of internal network problems, a hardware change and problems with the internet connection.

If you choose to reset the network settings, there are a few things you should take into account. For example, after the reset, all saved Wi-Fi networks, including their passwords and connection history, will be deleted. After the reset you should reconnect to Wi-Fi networks and re-enter the corresponding passwords.

All network adapters (such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth) will be reset to their default configuration. This means that any custom settings you may have applied to these adapters, such as static IP addresses or DNS server settings, will be lost.

Also, if you have configured Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy settings, these will be deleted. You will need to reconfigure these settings after the reset. Take all this into account. Make sure you have the required information you need to reconnect before proceeding with the reset.

Related: Reset network settings in Windows 11.

Reset network settings in Windows 10

To get started, open the settings by clicking the Start button and clicking “Settings” in the Start menu.

Open Settings in Windows 10

In the Settings menu, click on “Network and Internet”. Navigate down the “Network and Internet” menu and select 'Reset Network'. This option is usually found at the bottom of the page.

Reset network settings in Windows 10

This will remove all network adapters and then reinstall them. The original settings of other network components are also restored. You may need to reinstall other network software afterwards, such as VPN software or virtual switches.

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When you are ready to reset network settings, click “Reset Now” at the bottom. This will restart your computer.

Confirm network reset

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Unknown Network, No internet? These 5 tips will help!

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