Clear saved network credentials in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Clear saved network credentials in Windows 11 or Windows 10

When you try to access secure network shares on the network or start a Remote Desktop session, you are prompted to save the passwords.

If you have checked the option to remember your login details, Windows will save your passwords for the next connection. If you have accidentally entered the wrong data or the data is remembered for whatever reason, you will always receive an error message.

It is then advisable to delete the saved login details for the network connection. This data is stored in Windows. You don't even have to delete them directly, you can also edit them or add login details. This is how it works.

Clear or edit saved network credentials in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Open it Control Panel. In the control panel, change the “show by:” settings to “Large icons” in the top right corner. Then click on User Accounts.

Open user account

Then click on the “Manage your credentials” link.

Manage your references

Then click on “Windows References” and in the table with “General References” click on the reference you wish to change or delete.

Manage Windows credentials

You can also use a shortcut to go directly to the saved network or Windows credentials.

Right-click on the Start button. Click Run in the menu. In the run window copy and paste the line below:

rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

Then click on the references you wish to delete or edit and click on the desired button.

Saved usernames and passwords

Also read: How to create a network connection in Windows 11.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. For your information. I found the control panel, thank you) via Settings; typed “control panel” in it, searched, then got access to this screen. Saw, Manage Accounts; I only got the option to change, no option to delete. I'll look into it again. I can't see the screen examples you gave. In any case, it helped me on my way.

    Thanks for that.

    1. Hello, in the article there is also a shortcut that you can use “rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr”. That should do it!
      Thanks for your response.
      Greetings, Stefan

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