Restore right mouse button menu to old menu in Windows 11

restore right mouse button menu in Windows 11 to Windows 10

When Windows 11 is released to the general public, it will come with some new features and changes that some people may not find useful.

If you find that the modern right-click menu option in Windows 11 is not something you like, you can follow the steps below to restore it from Windows 10. In the new Windows 11 right-click menu you have to click on “Show more options”, which irritates many people.

Windows 11 right click menu
The new right-click (context) menu in Windows 11

And if you decide you want to go back to the original in Windows 11, just change the setting in the app below. This is how it works.

Restore right mouse button menu in Windows 11

To restore the old Windows 10 right-click menu in Windows 11, you can use a free tool.

Download Winaero Tweaker. Then install this software.

Click on “Classic Full Context menus” on the left. Then enable the option: “Enable classic full context menus”. Then click on “Restart Explorer” at the bottom.

Restore old context menu in Windows 11

This is the result. The context menu has now been changed to the right-click menu known from Windows 10.

Windows 10 right click context menu
This is the old context menu (right mouse button) menu as known from Windows 10.

To then enable the new context menu (right mouse button) of Windows 11 again, uncheck the option: “Enable classic full context menus”.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. Thanks, but it can't just be done in the Windows 11 menu?
    that you can place your vlc player in it under the right mouse button?

  2. Good day, I would like to immediately expand the “more options” item when I use my right mouse button. I often use the “copy to email” option and now I have to do an extra action every time. In Windows 10, that option immediately expanded when I used the right mouse button.
    Hope there is a solution that isn't too complicated.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello Hans, I can find that information in this article in which you responded. You will then disable the “show more options” option and get the Windows 10 right-click menu back as you are used to. So follow the steps in this article. Good luck! Greetings, Stefan

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