Clear checkboxes in Windows

disable checkboxes in windows

Checkboxes in Windows, do you recognize them? These are the boxes that are located in the icon of, for example, a Windows application or file. S

Checkboxes were first introduced in Windows Vista, then in Windows 8 and later in Windows 10.

Windows 10 sets these checkboxes (also called checkboxes in English) by default after installation.

disable checkboxes in windows

I know from personal experience that I wanted to know how to uncheck these boxes. I find them annoying.

In this instruction, I will explain to you how to uncheck the boxes by Windows Explorer.

Clear checkboxes in Windows

It is simple to disable checkboxes in Windows. To get started, open Windows Explorer from the taskbar.

Windows Explorer

Then click on View in the Windows Explorer tabs. In the settings tab: View, uncheck the box “Check boxes for items”.

checkbox disable windows

You have now cleared the shortcut checkboxes in Windows.

There is another alternative way to uncheck the boxes. Maybe a somewhat cumbersome way, but worth mentioning.

Open a Windows Explorer window again. In the Windows Explorer window, go to the View tab. In the View tab open the Options.

windows explorer options

In the folder options go to the View tab. Navigate a bit down and uncheck the option: Use check boxes to select items.

Click OK to apply the settings.

uncheck boxes windows

Two ways to clear the checkboxes using Windows Explorer in Windows. Thank you for reading!

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