Place shortcut to “downloads” folder on the taskbar

Place shortcut to "downloads" folder on the taskbar

If you have a shortcut to the “downloads” folder on the taskbar, you will have direct access to this folder with a single click.

A shortcut to the downloads folder has the advantage that you have direct access to this folder. This is useful, for example, if you regularly download files and need to move them to another folder. A shortcut offers a solution because otherwise you will have to constantly click through the folder structure via the Windows Explorer.

By the taskbar to customize and placing a shortcut to the “Downloads” folder, you can customize the taskbar to your own liking.

Place shortcut to “downloads” folder on the taskbar

Right-click in free space on the desktop. In the menu, click on “New” and then on “Shortcut”.

New shortcut

In the “Specify the location of the item” field. Enter the command line below:

explorer.exe "%userprofile%\Downloads\"

Create shortcut to downloads folder

Now enter a recognizable name for the shortcut, for example “Open downloads folder”.

Pin downloads folder to taskbar

There is now a downloads folder shortcut on the desktop. Click on it with the right mouse button. In Windows 11, first click on “show more options".

In Windows 11 or 10, click on “pin to taskbar”.

Pin to taskbar

You will now see a shortcut that opens the Downloads folder in the taskbar. Click on it to open the downloads folder via explorer.

Pin downloads folder to taskbar

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Learn what else you can pin to the taskbar:

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