Reset quick access in Windows Explorer

Reset quick access in Windows Explorer

When you open Explorer in Windows 11 or Windows 10, you will see a menu on the left. This is the “Quick Access” menu.

Quick Access is a list of shortcuts that you can use to quickly go to certain folders or locations in Windows. For example, Quick Access provides direct access to this PC, documents, and network locations.

It is possible to make adjustments to Quick Access. For example, you can add new shortcuts, rearrange the shortcuts, and delete shortcuts. This allows you to customize the Quick Access as desired.

If you have made adjustments that you are not completely satisfied with, you can reverse them. However, it is even easier to reset Quick Access. You can easily restore the default display by performing a reset. This is how it works.

Reset quick access in Windows Explorer

To reset the Quick Access display, right-click the Start button. Then click “run” in the menu.

open execute

In the run window copy and paste the line below:


Open AutomaticDestinations

Now select all files in the “AutomaticDestinations” folder. You do this by clicking on more options in the explorer and then "select all". You can also use the CTRL + A key combination.

Select all files

Once you have selected all files, delete all selected files. There are some files that cannot be deleted because they are in use.

delete all files

Now close Explorer and open Explorer again. You will now see that the default view in File Explorer has been restored.

Read more: Reset Windows Explorer.

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