How to use step-by-step instructions in Windows 11 or 10

How to use step-by-step instructions in Windows 11 or 10

If you have a problem in Windows, it is useful to be able to describe this problem step by step. This is what step description can be used for.

Step recorder or “Steps recorder” is a tool in Windows that automatically creates a report based on clicks and keystrokes including screenshots. So when you try to explain a problem to someone who wants to help you, for example, you can send a report via step description with all the steps you take to reproduce the possible problem. It gives the other person immediate insight into which window you click, what keys you press and draws up a report with useful screenshots.

How to use step-by-step instructions in Windows

To open step descriptions, search for “step description” in the task bar. Click on the result to open the app.

Open step description

Then click on “Start record” to record a step-by-step description.

Start record

After this, perform the steps you want to be recorded. The tool itself will record all the steps. When you are done, click “Stop and Review”.

Stop and review

The step description contains all the steps and information that someone else needs to help with the problem. Before you share the file, it is useful to first go through all the steps carefully. Does it contain all the information you want others to see? Does it contain any personal information that you do not want others to see?

You can check the steps description in the following ways. This can be done via a step-by-step slideshow and ultimately via detailed optional steps. Click on “next” each time to view the next step that has been recorded.

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Step-by-step description options

Once you have checked the step description, click on “Save” at the top of the menu.

Save step description

A ZIP file is then saved to your computer where you can choose the location. This ZIP file contains the step description that you can share with others.

Step description report

Keep in mind that Step-by-step description may be replaced sometime in early 2024. I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Solve problems yourself with the Windows troubleshooters.

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