Change text cursor in Windows 11

Change text cursor in Windows 11

Several accessibility features are available in Windows 11. These functions make working with Windows 11 easier if, for example, you have difficulty or limitations.

If it is not always visible to you where the cursor is located in part of the text, you can adjust the text cursor. The text cursor or text cursor indicator is the dash that shows where the cursor is in text. By default, this indicator is black as a single line and flashes in the text.

Some people have difficulty finding the text cursor in text, so you can adjust this indicator. You can adjust the color, size and thickness. This is how it works.

Change text cursor in Windows 11

To get started, open the settings. Then click on “Accessibility” in the settings. In the accessibility features, click “Text Cursor”.

Text cursor settings in Windows 11

To change the text cursor indicator, enable the “Text Cursor Indicator” option. You can then select a size for the indicator by moving the “Size” bar larger or smaller.

By default, the text cursor indicator is black. If you are going to change the text cursor you can choose from a set of colors by choosing the “Recommended colors”. If you prefer to choose a color yourself, click on “Choose a different color”.

Enable text cursor indicator in Windows 11

Finally, you can change the thickness of the text cursor. The thickness is the line that flashes between the text.

You can change the thickness by changing the “Text Cursor Thickness” function. You do this by moving the bar from larger to smaller or vice versa. You will immediately see an example of what it will look like in the “Preview of text cursor thickness”.

Change text cursor thickness in Windows 11

Also read: Lost your mouse cursor? 2 tips to find your way quickly!

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3 ways to crop images in Windows 11

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