Edit the Win-X menu in Windows 10

Edit the Win-X menu in Windows 10

The Win-X menu is a menu in Windows 11, Windows 10, and earlier versions that appears when you press the Windows + X keyboard shortcut. It is an additional context menu that provides quick access to some system apps and settings.

The Win-X menu is designed to provide easy access to common administrative tasks without having to navigate through the Control Panel or other system menus.

Win-X menu Windows 10
This is the “Win-X” menu.

You can edit all shortcuts available in the Win-X menu. You can add or remove shortcuts to it via an app. This way you can customize the Win-X menu to your liking.

For example, if you work a lot with a certain app, you can add this shortcut to the app to this Win-X menu. This way, with a single click on the Start button, you can open the Win-X menu and then directly open the app.

Edit Win-X menu in Windows 10

To begin download “WinXmenuEditor” a free app from the developers of WinAero Tweaker.

Open the app. Click on “Add a program” in the menu. You can now add a shortcut to an app yourself, or choose a “preset”. A preset is a predefined item that you can add. For example, you can add “exit options” and more.

You can also find parts of it add control panel and parts of the administrative tools.

Win-X editor add a program

Once you have added the desired shortcut, you can change the order via the right side. You can move the shortcut up or down in the list.

When you are done, click the “Restart Explorer” button. Windows Explorer is then restarted and the shortcut is added to the Win-X menu. As an example, I added “Paint” to the Win-X menu.

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Added shortcut to Win-X menu

By reselecting the shortcut and clicking the “Remove” button you can remove an existing shortcut from the Win-X menu.

Remove shortcut from Win-X menu

Finally, Win-X menu provides an option to create a group. This makes Win-X editor, as it were, visible a dividing line. Any shortcuts you add to it will be easier to distinguish in the list of shortcuts.

In the example below I have created a new group and Windows adds various startup options and shutdown options to it.

Create new group Win-X editor

Unfortunately, this app does not work in Windows 11. I have tested this. It only works for Windows 10 and earlier Windows versions.

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

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