Control Windows 11 with your finger or a stylus pen

Control Windows 11 with your finger or a stylus pen

Windows 11 contains various functions that make working with Windows 11 a lot easier and more intuitive.

The “Pen and Windows ink” feature is a feature that allows you to naturally and intuitively operate your PC to create drawings, notes and other ink-based input.

The Pen is an input device that resembles a traditional pen or pencil, allowing you to write or draw directly on the screen. For example, with the “Pen and Windows Ink” feature you can take handwritten notes, create drawings, add annotations to documents, etc. that are automatically converted into typed text.

Windows Ink is the software that supports the Pen functionality in Windows 11. It gives you access to various ink-related tools, such as a whiteboard, a ruler, an eraser, and different pen styles and colors.

Control Windows 11 with your finger or a stylus pen

To operate Windows 11 with your finger or via a connected stylus pen, you can enable the following function.

Open the settings. Then click on “Bluetooth and devices” on the left in the menu and on “Pen and Windows ink” on the right.

Pen and Windows ink settings

To work with a pen, you must first pair the pen via Bluetooth. To do this, click on the “Pair pen” button and follow the pairing instructions.

When the pen is paired, you can use the pen to control Windows 11. In the “Pen and Windows ink” settings you can, for example, set which hand you write with and what the buttons on the pen should do when clicked.

Attach pen

If you want to use handwriting to enter text, click on the “Use handwriting to enter text” setting.

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Log in with PIN code in Windows 11

Enable the “write with your fingertip” option to use the feature. You can then set a font for handwritten text, set the font size and optionally show an extra box to enter handwritten text when tapping the pen on a text box.

Write with your fingertip

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