Block or unblock Windows registry in Windows 11 or 10

Windows registry lock in Windows 11 or 10

If you are not using the Windows registry. For example, for security, stability or policy implementation within an organization, you can lock the Windows registry.

By blocking access to the registry editor, people you share a computer with will no longer be able to open this app. It allows you to block the “regedit.exe” process.

Blocking it Windows registry has some advantages. For example, the registry is sometimes locked to prevent individual users from changing system-wide settings, which can help maintain a consistent user experience and security policies.

Blocking the Windows registry can also help protection against malware. Many types of malware target the Windows registry to change system settings and embed themselves in the system. Blocking access to the registry can provide an additional layer of security.

Windows registry lock in Windows 11 or 10

To block the Windows registry, you must first make an adjustment to the registry. After this you will no longer be able to open the registry. Please take this into account. Below I offer another solution if access to the registry is blocked.

Block Windows registry for only the current user

Open the Windows registry. Go to key:


Right-click on “Policies” and click “New” and then “Key”. Name this key “System”.

Now right-click on “System” and click on “New” and then on “DWORD 32-bit”. Name this DWORD value “DisableRegistryTools”. Set the value data to “2”.

Windows registry lock in Windows 11 or 10

Windows registry lock for all user accounts

Open the Windows registry. Go to key:


Right-click on “Policies” and click “New” and then “Key”. Name this key “System”.

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Now right-click on “System” and click on “New” and then on “DWORD 32-bit”. Name this DWORD value “DisableRegistryTools”. Set the value data to “2”.

Windows registry lock for all user accounts

Remove Windows registry blockage

When access to the Windows registry is blocked, you can remove it in the following way. You will then see the message below.

Registry editing has been disabled by the system administrator

Registry editing has been disabled by the system administrator

Right-click on the Start button. Then click “Windows Terminal (Admin)”.

Open Windows Terminal

Enter the following two commands one after the other, confirm with the ENTER key. So first the first command, then ENTER and then the second and ENTER again.

Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\" -Name "DisableRegistryTools"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\" -Name "DisableRegistryTools"

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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