Remove a visited URL from Microsoft Edge address bar

Remove a visited URL from Microsoft Edge address bar

If you visit a website via the Microsoft Edge browser, you will see this website again the next time by automatically filling in the address bar.

This is useful if you visit a website regularly because you do not have to enter the address of the website every time. The Microsoft Edge browser does this for you. The more you visit the website URL, the better Microsoft Edge becomes at predicting which website you want to visit.

I can imagine that you do not always find predicting the URL useful. This can be annoying, for example, if you share the computer with other people and you do not want them to see this website in the address bar. It can also be annoying if you have typed the website address incorrectly several times.

By applying the following tip you can remove auto-completed website(s) from the Microsoft Edge address bar. So, it allows you to remove a specific URL from the previously visited websites via the address bar.

Remove a visited URL from Microsoft Edge address bar

Open the Microsoft Edge browser. Click on the address bar and search for the website you want to remove from the list of previously visited websites. You can do this by typing a keyword or the beginning of the website address.

Navigate to the URL by using the arrows (up and down) to select the URL. Then click “Remove suggestion” at the far right of the URL. The URL is now no longer shown as a suggestion in previously visited websites via the address bar. You can do the same by pressing the key combination SHIFT + DEL.

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Remove suggestion from Microsoft Edge browser

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Enable or disable tab preview in the Microsoft Edge browser.

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