Remove Bing from Windows Search

Remove Bing from Windows Search

If you search in Windows 10 and Windows 11, local search results such as apps and settings will be displayed. If Windows cannot find the search result locally, it will display search results from Bing, known as “Web Search”.

Please note: These are search results in the start menu. If you are bothered by the Bing search engine, please read the articles below:

The Bing search results appear in the start menu and in the settings as “Search the web” search results. These web results in the start menu are opened with the Bing search engine.

Web results bing search engine in windows search

In a world that is mainly dependent on Google search results, Bing search integration can be forced and annoying in Windows 10 or Windows 11. Removing Bing from Windows search results is possible. This is how it works.

Remove Bing from Windows Search

To remove Bing from the search results like in the start menu we need to make some adjustments to it Windows registry.

Right-click on the start button. Click Run in the menu.

Carry out

In the run window type:


open regedit

In the top bar type:


Left-click on “Windows” with the right mouse button. Click on “New” and then on “Key”.

new key

Name the new key “Explorer”.


Right click with the right mouse button. Click New and then “DWORD (32-bit) Value”.

new dword

Name this value “DisableSearchBoxSuggestions” and change the value data to “1".


Close the Windows registry and restart your computer.

Read also
What is the difference between Windows 11/10 Home and Pro?

Below you can see the result. The Bing search results are now no longer displayed in the start menu.

Bing search results removed from the start menu in Windows

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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  1. Thanks for the information, I don't know if it helps or solves my problem, but I have problems with Microsoft Bing and the Bing search bar works automatically and starts tapping lines without me doing anything

    1. Hello, that is definitely not related to the Bing search engine. I suspect from your story that it is more likely a hardware problem, or a program running something in the background. The information in this article will not solve this problem. Unfortunately I can't say more about it, I would say, clean your keyboard, check stuck keys, check installed software or ask someone around you to look at it. Good luck!

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