How to analyze BSOD or blue screen in Windows 11 or 10

How to analyze BSOD or blue screen in Windows 11 or 10

When a computer running Windows 11 or 10 suddenly restarts without any notification or a blue or black screen (BSOD), the first thing that often comes to mind is a hardware failure.

In reality, crashes are often caused by malfunctioning device drivers and kernel modules. In the event of a kernel error, computers running Windows will not show a blue or black screen unless they are configured to do so. Instead, these systems suddenly reboot without any informative notification.

WhoCrashed shows you the drivers that crashed your computer with one click. In most cases, this app can pinpoint the faulty driver causing the crash. This app does a crash dump analysis and shows all collected information in an understandable way. In the event that your computer has crashed due to a hardware failure, WhoCrashed will help you pinpoint the root cause of the problem.

Typically, debugging skills and a set of debugging tools are required to perform a crash dump analysis. With WhoCrashed you don't need any debugging skills to find out which drivers are causing problems on your computer.

How to analyze BSOD or blue screen in Windows 11 or 10

So, WhoCrashed can help you determine the underlying cause of a system crash, whether it is due to faulty hardware, incompatible drivers, or software conflicts. It can help users and IT professionals find solutions and take the right measures to solve the problem.

Please note that simplified analysis analysis that WhoCrashed shows still contains technical information. It tries to identify a “culprit” for the crash(es), but this is not always an immediate solution. So the solution varies.

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For example, disconnecting certain hardware can uninstall a particular driver as well as restarting the PC or it repair the Windows system files offer a solution.

Download WhoCrased home edition

Download WhoCrashed

Install the app on your computer. The free version has some limitations. This way, only one crash dump can be read at a time. No automatic analyzes are carried out in the event of a crash and there is no technical support. If you want this, you must purchase the professional edition via the official website.

Click on “analyze” to start an analysis. The program examines the contents of the crash dump file to determine the possible causes of the crash.

Perform crash analysis with WhoCrashed

After analyzing the crash dump file, WhoCrashed generates a detailed report. This report contains information such as the likely cause of the crash, the drivers or software involved, error codes, memory addresses, and stack traces.

You will see the last crash dump file being read. You will also see a bug check error code, a name and a description. Finally, an analysis and a conclusion are shown. This could clarify why the computer freezes or a blue screen has shown.

crash dump file analysis via whocrashed

I hope this helps you. Thank you for reading!

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