Add shutdown computer button to right-click menu

Add shutdown computer button to right-click menu

In Windows 11 and 10, the shutdown button is in the Start menu. If you're someone who, like me, likes to work quickly in Windows, it might help to add a shutdown button to a menu or place where it's quickly available.

I've written an article about it before adding a shutdown button in the taskbar and over multiple ways to shut down Windows 11.

In this guide, I offer you the option to add a close button to the right-click menu. This is the menu that appears when you right-click on the desktop. In Windows 11 you must first press “show more options” and in Windows 10 you will immediately see the additional context menu.

Add shutdown computer button to right-click menu

To add a close button to the right context menu you need to make an adjustment in the Windows registry. I recommend you do one first create a restore point before continuing.

Open the Registry Editor on your computer by typing 'regedit' into the Start Menu search field and selecting Registry Editor. Navigate to the key:


Now create the “Shut down computer” key. You do this by right-clicking on “Shell” and then on “New” and then on “Key”. Name this key “Shutdown Computer”.

In the “Shut down computer” key, add the following values. You can also do this by right-clicking on “Shut down computer”.

  1. A string value called “Icon” with the value “shell32.dll,-28”.
  2. A string value called “MUIVerb” with the value “Shut down computer immediately”.
  3. A string value called “Position” with the value “Bottom”.
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Add shutdown computer button to right-click menu

Now right-click on “Shut down Computer” and click on “New” and then on “Key”. Name this new key “command”.

Open “command” and double-click “(Default)”. Give this value the contents: shutdown -s -f -t 0

add shutdown button to right mouse button

Close the registry editor. Now right click on the desktop, if you have Windows 11, first click on “show more options”. If you have Windows 10, you will immediately see a shutdown computer button. Clicking on it will immediately shut down the computer.

Computer shutdown button

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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