Don't play sound on incoming calls in Microsoft Teams

Don't play sound on incoming calls in Microsoft Teams

This article shows you how to disable sound notifications in Microsoft Teams so that you have an uninterrupted experience during your online meetings.

When participating in an online meeting, it is essential to maintain maximum concentration. However, incoming calls or new notifications can be experienced as disturbing. These interruptions can not only be distracting but also disrupt the flow of your conversation, reducing the productivity of the meeting. It is therefore crucial to find a way to keep these distractions to a minimum.

Sound notifications within Teams are designed to immediately notify users of new activity. However, during important meetings or deep concentration work, these notifications can be more of a nuisance than helpful. By turning off the audio notifications, you create a quieter work environment that is conducive to focus and efficiency. Disabling these notifications ensures that you are no longer suddenly interrupted by the sound of an incoming call or notification, allowing you to fully focus on the content of the meeting.

Don't play sound on incoming calls in Microsoft Teams

To get started, open Microsoft Teams. In Microsoft Teams, click on the menu icon in the top right corner, which can be recognized by the three horizontal dots.

Related: Microsoft Teams is not working.

Microsoft Teams menu

Then click on “Settings” in the menu to open the Teams settings.

Open Microsoft Teams settings

First click on “Notifications” in the left menu and then in the “Appearance and sound” settings, disable “Play sound for incoming calls and notifications”.

Optionally, you can also disable “Show message preview” to prevent when you receive a message from seeing a pop-up with a preview of the message content. By disabling this option you can avoid distractions.

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Don't play sound for incoming calls and notifications

You will now no longer receive audio notifications for incoming calls and notifications via Microsoft Teams. I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Change sound notifications in Windows 11.

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