Turn off sound on incoming email in Outlook

Turn off sound on incoming email in Outlook

When you have opened Outlook and a new email arrives, a sound will be played by default. This sound helps identify a new email.

I can imagine that you are not always waiting for a notification sound with a new email. The sound notification can be distracting and interrupt your work, especially if you receive a lot of emails throughout the day.

If you work in an environment where others can hear the audio notification, it may be disruptive to them as well. Turning off the Outlook sound notification can help you keep your attention and concentration on your current task without being constantly interrupted.

Ultimately, whether you want the sound notification for new ones depends on your personal preferences and work environment emails in Outlook should be turned off or not. If you find it annoying or distracting, it may be worth turning off the sound and relying on other forms of notification.

Turn off sound on incoming email in Outlook

To get started, open Outlook. The Outlook version doesn't matter for now. Click on “File” in the menu and then on “Info”.

At the very bottom, click on “Options” to open the Outlook options.

Outlook options

In the Outlook options, click on “Email” in the left menu and disable the “Play a sound” option in the “Receipt of message” settings. Click OK to confirm.

You will now no longer hear any sound when receiving an incoming email via Outlook.

Disable sound playback in Outlook

You can also disable displaying an envelope icon on the taskbar and disabling displaying an alert on the desktop. You will then virtually no longer see any notifications when receiving an email.

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I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

Lees meer: Turn spelling checker on or off in Outlook.

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