Change Notepad font and text size in Windows 11

Change Notepad font and text size in Windows 11

Notepad is the default text editor app found in every Windows version can be used. The notepad app provides a standard font with standard text size.

If you have problems with the default font in notepad, you can adjust the font and change the font size you want. Adjusting these font settings can help you read the text better.

The standard font style in notepad “Lucida console” is with text size “10”. This article explains how you can change this to a font of your choice.

Change Notepad font and text size in Windows 11

Click on the Start button. Then click on “Notepad” in the apps to open this app.

Open Notepad in Windows 11

First click on “Edit” in the menu and then on “Font”.

Change font in notepad

Open the “Font” settings. Then click “Lucida Console” next to “Family” to select a new font from the list.

To adjust the font size, click “10” next to “Size” and enter a new number of points for the font size.

At the bottom you will then see the example of what the text in notepad will look like after change the font and the text size.

Change font and size in notepad

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

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