Add shortcut to “copy to” menu

Add "Copy to" shortcut in Windows 11 or 10

You can use the “Copy to” feature in Windows 11 or 10 to send a file or folder to a specific app or have it perform an action.

So “Copy to” is a quick and especially convenient way to do something with the selected file or folder. To use the “Copy to” to feature, right-click on the file you want to send and select “copy to” from the menu. A list of available actions will then appear, such as creating a shortcut on the Desktop or Documents folder.

You can also output custom locations, such as a network drive, Bluetooth, or an external storage device, via the “Copy to” menu. This will save you time and make it sharing and transferring files much easier.

You can customize the shortcuts available in the “Copy to” right-click menu. You can add shortcuts yourself to expand the list of available actions or apps. You can read how this works in this article.

Add “Copy to” shortcut in Windows 11 or 10

Add folder to the “Copy to” menu

To add a folder to this menu, right-click on the folder you want to add.

You first open the explorer, go to the folder and click on it with the right mouse button. In the menu, click on “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

Create desktop shortcut

Now right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on “execute”. In the run window type:


shell sendto

The folder “C:\Users\ \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo” will now open.

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There is a shortcut to the previously created folder on the desktop. Drag this shortcut into the “Sendto” folder.

move folder to sendto folder

If you now right-click on a file or folder, you will see the folder you added in the “copy to” menu.

add folder to copy to menu

Add app to the “Copy to” menu

You can also add an app to this “copy to” menu. This is useful, for example, if you use a certain app to edit a file. You can do this directly via this “copy to” shortcut.

Click on the Start button. Search for the app you want to add to the “copy to” menu. Right-click on it. In the menu, click on “Open file location”.

Open file location

Copy the shortcut of the app you want to add to the “copy to” menu.

copy app shortcut

Now right-click on the Start button. In the menu click on “execute”. In the run window type:


shell sendto

The folder “C:\Users\ \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo” will now open.

Paste the shortcut into this “sendto” folder.

paste app shortcut

Now, if you right-click on a file, folder or app, you will see the app appear in the “copy to” menu.

copy app to menu

Also read the following article: Add “Copy to folder” and “Move to folder” to right-click menu.

I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

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