Replace new printer dialog with old dialog in Windows 11

Replace new printer dialog with old dialog in Windows 11

If you use the 2022 update for Windows 11 has installed, the well-known 22H2 update. Then you may have noticed that a new printer dialog has been introduced.

There is quite a bit of buzz about this new printer dialog, many people are experiencing problems. To partly prevent these problems, you can restore the old familiar printer dialog.

This is the new printer dialog that has been introduced in Windows 11 22H2.

New printer dialog in Windows 11 22h2

And this is the old printer dialogue known from previous versions of Windows.

Old printer dialog in Windows 11 22h2

You can restore this printer window by following the steps in this article.

Replace new printer dialog with old dialog in Windows 11

Open the Windows registry. Then open the following key:


Right-click on “Microsoft” and click “New” and then “Key”. Name this key “Print”. Right-click on “Print” again and click on “New” and on “Key”. Name this key “UnifiedPrintDialog”.

Then right-click on “UnifiedPrintDialog” and click on “New” and then on “DWORD 32-bit value”. Name this value “PreferLegacyPrintDialog” then change the value data to “1”.


You have now restored the old printer window to your Windows 11 computer. I hope this helped you. Thank you for reading!

Also read: Restore the old Windows Explorer in Windows 11.

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1 reaction
  1. Dear Stephen,
    It worked. Thank you very much for your help. I was misled on December 29, 12 based on the first link. The opening paragraph mentions Microsoft, New Key and gives the Key the name Print. On my PC there was already a name Print that had to be used.
    Thank you again and have a happy new year.

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