Unexpected restart in Windows 11 or 10

Unexpected restart in Windows 11 or 10

If your computer freezes, or an application no longer responds, a normal restart can no longer be performed. To solve these types of problems, there is a hidden restart function in Windows 11 or 10, called “unscheduled restart”.

Accidental restart is an unplanned restart of the computer to address critical issues or system failures. As mentioned, it is not a function that everyone knows, this function should only be used when the computer no longer responds.

If you use an unexpected restart, any unsaved work will be lost. All currently active processes are immediately force-closed and the computer is restarted. Therefore, this form of restart should only be used as a last resort when other methods of shutting down or restarting the computer have failed. This is how it works.

Unexpected restart in Windows 11 or 10

To unexpectedly restart the computer, press the CTRL + ALT + DEL key combination. You will now see a window with the usual options “lock”, “switch user”, “log out” and “task management” appear in full screen.

To perform an unexpected restart, hold down the CTRL key and click the power button.

Unexpected restart in Windows 11 or 10

You will now see a message stating that any data that has not been saved will be lost. Only use this option as a last resort.

Click “OK” to perform an unexpected restart.

Unplanned restart

I hope to have informed you with this. Thank you for reading!

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